What is the ESDM?
The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a comprehensive, evidence-based early support approach for young children. The ESDM aims to promote a child’s development across all domains, including expressive and receptive language, joint attention, imitation, cognition, play and social skills, and fine and gross motor skills.
How does the ESDM work?
The ESDM utilises a range of strategies to teach a developmental curriculum to young autistic children in a naturalistic, play-based manner. In the ESDM, complex behaviours are broken down into discrete teaching steps which are taught in play and social interactions. Multiple skills are targeted in each play period by a trained clinician.
Who is the ESDM suitable for?
The ESDM has been developed to support children diagnosed with or showing early signs of autism from 12 months of age up until age 5.
How do I register interest?
If you're interested in hearing more about ESDM, please submit an online enquiry to us via the below link.