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Our researchers have published many papers in world-leading paediatric autism and developmental delay journals. Browse their most recently published work here.


Clinical assessments
Popular science articles by Andrew Whitehouse

Peer reviewed journal articles

In press journal articles
  • BYG, L.M., WANG, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PENNELL, C. (in press). Early markers of adult symptoms of depression and anxiety in the Raine Study. Journal of Affective Disorders.
  • WANIGASEKERA, L.C., MAYBERY, M.T., PALERMO, R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., TAN, D.W. (in press). First Impressions Towards Autistic People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Autism Research.
  • AGRAWAL, S., RATH, C., RAO, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PATOLE, S. (in press). Critical appraisal of systematic reviews assessing gut microbiota and effect of probiotic supplementation in children with ASD - an umbrella review. Microorganisms.
  • BYG, L.M., WANG, C., ATTIA, J., WHITEHOUSE, A., PENNELL, C. (in press). Sex-specific effects of birth weight on longitudinal behavioral outcomes: A mendelian randomization approach using polygenic scores. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci. 2024;4(6).
  • SAINSBURY, W.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CARRASCO, K.D., WADDINGTON, H. (in press). Parent-reported Areas of Greatest Challenge for their ADHD and/or Autistic Children. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • SPACKMAN, E., GENG, A., SMILLIE, L.D., FRAZIER, T.W., HARDAN, A.Y., ALVAREZ, G.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., SCHUCK, R.K., LEEKAM, S.R., ULJAREVIC, M. (in press). Characterising insistence on sameness and circumscribed interests: A qualitative study of parent perspectives. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • SULEK, R., EDWARDS, C., MONK, R., PATRICK, L., PILLAR, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. (in press). ‘It depends entirely on the nature of those supports’: Community perceptions of the appropriateness of early support services for autistic children. Autism.
  • CHETCUTI, L.C., SPACKMAN, E.K., FRAZIER, T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ULJAREVIĆ, M. (in press). Advancing the understanding of autism phenotype: what can transdiagnostic dimensional frameworks offer? Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
  • ARMSTRONG, R.M., ANGWIN, A.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ESCUDERO, P. (in press). Influences of bilingual input on English vocabulary size and academic outcomes: A large-scale longitudinal study following children in Australia from five to ten years. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
  • WONG, T.Y., AZIM, S.I., LAM-CASSETTARI, C., LIN, P-I., MENDOZA DIAZ, A., MONTGOMERY, A., MASI, A., MALLITT, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., DADDS, M.R., EAPEN, V. (in press). Co-design of the neurodevelopment assessment scale. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • SAINSBURY, W.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WOODS, L., JIANG, T., WADDINGTON, H. (in press). Child and family characteristics associated with symptoms of anxiety in autistic children: A biobank study.
  • CHAMBERLAIN, A., D’ARCY, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WALLACE, K., HAYDEN-EVANS, M., GIRDLER, A., MILBOURN, B., BOLTE, S., EVANS, K. (2004). Reliability, Validity and Acceptability of the PEDI-CAT with ASD Scales for Australian Children and Youth on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • ULJAREVIC, M., CHETCUTI, L., LOTH, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., KRUEGER, R. (in press). Shaping the future of autism care: A precision medicine approach. World Psychiatry.
  • CHETCUTI, L.C., SPACKMAN, E.K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., FRAZIER, T.W., ULJAREVIC, M. (in press). Advancing the understanding of autism phenotype: what can transdiagnostic dimensional frameworks offer. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
  • VAN DER LAAN, C.M. ….WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O….BOOMSMA, D.I. Meta-analysis of genome wide association studies on childhood ADHD symptoms and diagnosis reveals 17 novel loci and 22 potential effector genes. Nature Genetics.
  • CULLINANE, D., SOLOMON, R., FEDER, J., MAHONEY, J., SCHERZ, H., BINNS, A., GRAHAM, T., WIDER, S., ROBINSON, R., NABER, F., WHITEHOUSE, A. Developmental Relationship-Based Interventions for Autistic Children. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.
  • KE, C., CARTER, L.-A., GREEN, J., WHITEHOUSE, A., HUDRY, K., BARBARO, J., DISSANAYAKE, C., MAYBERY, M., SLOMINS, V., SEGAL, L., VARCIN, K & WAN. M.W. (in press). What emerging autism signs at 12 months of age are associated with later parent-infant interaction qualities at 18 months? Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • MASSA, A., TAMASHIRO, R.A., YANG, Z., ISIK, O.G., LANDAU, R., MILES, C.H., PENNELL, C., VON UNGERN STERNBERG, B.S, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., LI, G., ING,  C. Mode of delivery and behavioral and neuropsychological outcomes in children at 10 years of age. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. WADDINGTON, H., JORDAN, P., HAMMOND, M., TUPOU, J., PATRICK, L., MACASKILL, E., DAVIES, G., PILLAR, S., VAN DER MEER, L., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Low-intensity parent- and clinician-delivered support for young autistic children in Aotearoa New Zealand: A randomised controlled trial. Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.
  • BRETT, J.D., PREECE, D.A., BECERRA, R., WHITEHOUSE, A., MAYBERY, M.T. Empathy and Autism: Establishing the Structure and Different Manifestations of Empathy in Autistic Individuals Using the Perth Empathy Scale. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • JOVIC, M., HAERI, M.A., WHITEHOUSE, A., VAN DEN BERG, S.M. Harmonizing the CBCL and SDQ ADHD scores by using Linear equating, Kernel equating, Item Response Theory and Machine Learning Methods. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • SULEK, R., ROBERTSON, J., GOODALL, E., LIEW, A. W-C., PILLAR,S., UPSON, G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., Wicks, R., Trembath, D. Support preferences and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in the clinical care of autistic children: Stakeholder perspectives. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • Vasileva, S., Yap, C.X., Whitehouse, A.J.O., Gratten. J., Eyles, D. Absence of association between maternal adverse events and long-term gut microbiome outcomes in the Australian Autism Biobank. Brain Behaviour Immunity-Health.
  • BENT, C.A., AULICH, A., CONSTRANTINE, C., FIDOCK., DWYER, P., GREE, C., GREEN, J., GURBA, A.N., HARRINGTON, L., GORE, K.E., RABBA, A.S., AYTON, L., FORDYCE, K., JELLETT, R., KENNEDY, L.J., MACDUFFIE, K.E., MEERA, S.S., WATSON, L.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K. Autistic and autism community perspectives on infant and family support in the first two years of life. Findings from a community consultation survey. Autism.
  • SHIRLEY, J., JOHN, J.R., MONTGOMERY, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EAPEN, V.  Utilising behavioural and sensory profiles and associated perinatal factors to identify meaningful subgroups in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Cleary D, Maybery MT, Waddington H, Macaskill E, Whitehouse AJO. Investigating Parental Observations of Early Autism Development in Simplex and Multiplex Families. J Autism Dev Disord. 2024
  • Frazier TW, Whitehouse AJO, Leekam SR, Carrington SJ, Alvares GA, Evans DW, Hardan AY, Uljarević M. Reliability of the Commonly Used and Newly-Developed Autism Measures. J Autism Dev Disord. 2023
  • ISIK, O.G., JUNAID, S., GUO, L., LACKRAJ,, D., LANDAU, R., MILES, C.H., PENNELL, C., VON UNGERN STERNBERG, B.S, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., LI, G., ING,  C. Behavioural and neuropsychological outcomes in children exposed in-utero to maternal labour epidural. British Journal of Anaesthesia.
  • BULONZA, R., WATKINS, K., PARSONS, R., SUNDERLAND, B., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CACCETTA, R. The use of psychotropic medications in autistic individuals (21 years and younger) in Western Australia: a preliminary investigation: A preliminary investigation. Autism.
  • VERHOEF, E….WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O.,…ST POURCAIN, B. Genome-wide analyses of vocabulary size in infancy and toddlerhood: associations with ADHD, literacy and cognition-related traits. Biological Psychiatry.
  • REYNOLDS, J.E., ALVARES, G.A., WILLIAMS, J., FROUDE, E., ELLIOTT, C., MCINTYRE, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EVANS, K.L., REID, S.L., CAIRNEY, J., LICARI, M.K. Investigating the impact of developmental coordination difficulties on home, school, and community participation: findings from the Australian Impact for DCD survey. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
  • CHETCUTI, L., VARCIN, K.V., BOUTRUS, M., SMITH, J., BENT, , WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K. Feasibility of a Two-Minute Eye-Tracking Protocol to Support the Early Identification of Autism. Scientific Reports.
  • BRETT, J. D., PREECE, D. A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BECERRA, R., & MAYBERY, M. T. The valence-specific empathy imbalance hypothesis of autism: The role of autistic traits, alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, and gender differences. Personality and Individual Differences.
  • ABBONDANZA, F., WANG, C.A., SCHMITZ, J., MARIANSKI, K., PENNELL, C.E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PARACCHINI, S. A GWAS for grip strength in cohorts of children - advantages of analysing young participants for this trait. Genes, Brain, Behavior.
  • Uljarević M, Spackman EK, Whitehouse AJO, et al.   Arriving at the empirically based conceptualization of restricted and repetitive behaviors: A systematic review and meta-analytic examination of factor analyses. Clin Psychol Rev. 2023;103.
  • WADDINGTON, H., MINNELL, H., PATRICK, L., VAN DER MEER, L., MONK, R., WOODS, L., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2023). Community perspectives on the appropriateness and importance of support goals for young autistic children. advance online publication. Autism, 13623613231168920
  • CLEARY, D., MAYBERY, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2023). Investigating parental observations of early autism development in simplex and multiplex families. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • WADDINGTON, H., MINNELL, H., PATRICK, L., VAN DER MEER, L., MONK, R., WOODS, L., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2023). Community perspectives on the appropriateness and importance of support goals for young autistic children. advance online publication. Autism.
  • CLEARY, D., MAYBERY, M., GREEN, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. The first six months of life: A systematic review of early markers associated with later autism. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Review.
  • CALDER, S.D., BRENNAN-JONES, C.G. ROBINSON, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J O., HILL, E. (2023). Do parent-reported early indicators predict later Developmental Language Disorder? A Raine Study investigation. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (in press). A spectrum for all? A response to Green et al. (2023), Neurodiversity, autism, and health care. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
  • ISIK, O.G., GUO, L., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., LI, G., ING, C. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children after prenatal marijuana exposure. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.
  • LONCAREVIC, A., MAYBERY, M.T., BARBARO, J., DISSANAYAKE, C., GREEN, J., HUDRY, K., IACONO, T., SLONIMS, V., VARCIN, K.J., WAN, M.W., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Parent-child interactions may help to explain the relations between parent characteristics and clinically observed child autistic behaviours. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • SEGAL L, GREEN J, TWIZEYEMARIYA A, HUDRY K, WAN MW, BARBARO J, IACONO T, VARCIN KJ, PILLAR S, COOPER MN, BILLINGHAM W, UPSON G, WHITEHOUSE AJO. Estimated Therapy Costs and Downstream Cost Consequences of iBASIS-Video Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting Intervention vs Usual Care Among Children Displaying Early Behavioral Signs of Autism in Australia. JAMA Network Open.
  • BRETT, J. D., PEDEN, B., PREECE, D. A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BECERRA, R., & MAYBERY, M. T. Assessing restricted and repetitive behaviours in online-sampled autistic and non-autistic individuals: Factor structure of the Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire for Adults (RBQ-2A). Journal of Autism and Developmental.
  • DEL ROSARIO, C., NIXON, E., QUIGLEY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., & MAYBERY, M.T. (2023). Parent-child interaction and developmental outcomes in children with typical and elevated likelihood of autism. Infant Behavior and Development, 71, 101830.
  • CALDER, S.D., BRENNAN-JONES, C.G. ROBINSON, M. WHITEHOUSE, A.J O., HILL, E. How we measure language skills of children at scale: A call to move beyond domain-specific tests as a proxy for language. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
  • YAP, C.X., HENDERS, A., ALVARES, G.A., GILES, C., HUYNH, K., NGUYEN, A., WALLACE, L., MCLAREN, T., YANG, Y., HERNANDEZ, L.M., GANDAL., M.J., HANSELL, N.K., CLEARY, D., GROVE, R., HAFEKOST, C., HARUN, A., HOLDSWORTH, H., JELLETT, R., KHAN, F., LAWSON, L., LESLIE, J., FRENK, M.L., MASI, A., MATHEW, N.E., MUNIANDY, M., NOTHARD, M., MILLER, J.I., NUNN, L., STRIKE, L.T., DE I ZUBICARAY, G., THOMPSON, P., MCMAHON, K.L., WRIGHT, M.J., VISSCHER, P.M., DAWSON, P.A., DISSANAYAKE, C., EAPEN, V., HEUSSLER, H.S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MEIKLE, P.J., WRAY, N.R., GRATTEN, J. (in press). Lipidomics captures genetic and environmental complexity in neurodevelopment and autism. Nature Medicine.
  • ABBONDANZA, A., DALE, P.S., WANG, C.A., HAYIOU-THOMAS, M.E., TOSEEB, U., KOOMAR, T.S., WIGG, K.G., FENG, Y., PRICE, K.M., KERR, E.N., GUGER, S.L., LOVETT, M.W., STRUG, L.J., VAN BERGEN, E., DOLAN, C.V., TOMBLIN, J.B., MOLL, K., SCHULTE-KÖRNE, G., NEUHOFF, N., WARNKE, A., FISHER, S.E., BARR, C.L., MICHAELSON, J.J., BOOMSMA, D.I., SNOWLING, M.J., HULME, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PENNELL, C.E., NEWBURY, D.F., STEIN, J., TALCOTT, J.B., BISHOP, D.V.M., PARACCHINI, S. Language and reading impairments are associated with increased prevalence of non-right handedness. Child Development
  • CHETCUTI, L., ULJAREVIĆ, M., VARCIN, K.J., BOUTRUS, M., DIMOV, S., PILLAR, S., BARBARO, J., DISSANAYAKE, C., GREEN, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K. & AICES Team. Continuity of temperament subgroup classifications from infancy to toddlerhood in the context of early autism traits. Autism Research.
  • SMITH, J., CHETCUTI, L., KENNEDY, L., VARCIN, K.J., SLONIMS, V., BENT, C.A., GREEN, J., IACONO, T., PILLAR, S., TAYLOR, C., WAN, M.W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K., & the AICES Team. Caregiver sensitivity predicts infant language use, and infant language complexity predicts caregiver language complexity, in the context of possible emerging autism. Autism Research.
  • SAINSBURY, W.J., BOWDEN, C., CARRASCO, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. Parent experiences of diagnosis for children with autism, ADHD, or both conditions. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities.
  • SPACKMAN, E. K., SMILLIE, L., FRAZIER, T. W., HARDAN, A. Y., ALVARES, G. A., WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., & ULJAREVIĆ, M. Profiles of circumscribed interests in autistic youth. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience.
  • MONTGOMERY, A., MASI, A., WHITEHOUSE, A., VEENSTRA-VANDERWEELE, J., SHUFFREY, L., SHEN, M.D., KARLOV, L., ULJAREVIC, M., ALVARES, G., WOOLFENDON, S., SILOVE, N., EAPEN, V. Identification of Subgroups of Children in the Australian Autism Biobank using Latent Class Analysis. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.
  • SPACKMAN, E., …WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O….ULJAREVIC, M. Characterizing restricted and unusual interests in autistic youth. Autism Research.
  • EVANS, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., D’ARCY, E., HAYDEN-EVANS, M., WALLACE, K., KUZMINSKI, R., THORPE, R., GIRDLER, S., MILBOURN, B., BÖLTE, S., CHAMBERLAIN, A. Perceived support needs of school-aged young people on the autism spectrum and their caregivers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • HAYDEN-EVANS, M., MILBOURN, B., D’ARCY, E., CHAMBERLAIN, A., AFSHARNEJAD, B., EVANS, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BÖLTE, S., GIRDLER, S. An evaluation of the overall utility of measures of functioning suitable for school-aged children on the autism spectrum: A scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • PRICE, K.M., WGG, K.G., EISING, E, …WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O… al. Hypothesis-driven genome-wide association studies provide novel insights into genetics of reading disabilities. Translational Psychiatry.
  • GUASTELLA, A.J., BOULTON, K.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., SONG, Y.J., THAPA, R., GREGORY, R.G., POKORSKI, I., GRANICH, J., DEMAYO, M.M., AMBARCH, Z., WRAY, J., THOMAS, E.E., HICKIE, I.B. The effect of oxytocin nasal spray on social interaction in young children with autism: a randomized clinical trial. Molecular Psychiatry. 
  • D’ARCY, E., EVANS, K., AFSHARNEJAD, B., MILBOURN, B., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BÖLTE, S., GIRDLER, S. Australian clinicians’ considerations when choosing an assessment of functioning tool for children with neurodevelopmental conditions. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • CLEARY, D., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EVANS, K. “It was such a different experience”: A qualitative study of parental perinatal experiences when having a subsequent child after having a child diagnosed with autism. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • EVANS, K. AFSHARNEJAD, B., FINLAY-JONES, A., STRUMPHER, E., FREEMAN, J., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MULLAN, N. Improving the journey before, during and after diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental condition: Suggestions from a sample of Australian consumers and professionals. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • Eising, E., …WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., Wilcutt, E.G., St Pourcain, B., Franck, C., Fisher, S.E. Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • ALVARES, G.A., MEKERTICHIAN, K., ROSE, F., VIDLER, S., WHITEHOUSE, AJ.O. Parent-reported oral health and dental care experiences in children on the autism spectrum: Associations with clinical phenotypes. Special Care in Dentistry.
  • CLEARY, D.B., BUNNEY, A., HENRY, L., RENTON, M., GRANICH, J., GREEN, J., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. A parent-mediated intervention for newborns at familial likelihood of autism: initial feasibility study in the general population. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • MONK, R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. The use of language in autism research. Trends in Neuroscience.
  • LANE, A., EAPEN, V., SIMPSON, K., MASI, A., GROVE, R., MONI, M., MONTGOMERY, A., ROBERTS, SILOVE, N., WHALEN., O., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EAPEN, V. Patterns of sensory modulation by age and sex in young people on the autism spectrum. Autism research.
  • REIGHARD, C., JUNAID, S., JACKSON, W.M., ARIF, A., WADDINGTON, H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ING, C. Anesthetic exposure during childhood and neurodevelopmental outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis, JAMA Network Open.
  • DOUST, C., FONTANILLAS, P., EISING, E. ….WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O….. LUCIANO, M. Discovery of 42 genome wide significant loci associated with dyslexia. Nature Genetics.
  • JOVIĆ, M., AGARWAL, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O.., VAN DEN BERG. Harmonized Phenotypes for Anxiety, Depression, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
  • WADDINGTON, H., MACASKILL, E., ALVARES, G.A., BILLINGHAM, W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Parent-reported atypical development in the first year of life and age of autism diagnosis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • JACOBY, P., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., LEONARD, H, SALDARIS, J., DEMAREST, S, BENKE, T., DOWNS, J. Devising a missing data rule for a quality of life questionnaire—A simulation study. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics.
  • TAN, D.W., GILANI, S.Z., ALVARES, G.A., MIAN, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MAYBERY, M.T. (in press). An investigation of a novel broad autism phenotype: Increased facial masculinity among parents of children on the autism spectrum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
  • SAINSBURY, W., CARRASCO, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. Parent-reported early atypical development and age of diagnosis for children with co-occurring autism and ADHD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • STUART, N., BOTHE, E., PALERMO, R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BADCOCK, N. Eye gaze in autism spectrum disorder: A review of neural evidence for the eye avoidance hypothesis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • WADDINGTON, H., CURTIS, S., VAN NOORDEN, L., SIGAFOOS, J., VAN DER MEER, L., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Evaluation of a parent coaching and low-intensity therapist-delivered version of the early start Denver model for you children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education.
  • JACOBY, P., WILLIAMS, K., REDDIHOUGH, D., LEONARD, H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., DOWNS, J. A regression tree analysis of quality of life predictors in children with intellectual disability. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
  • MASI, A., AZIM, I., LAM-CASSETTARI, C., DADDS, M., MENDOZA DIAZ, A., HENRY, G., KARLOV, L., LIN, P.I.D., MALLITT, K-A., MONTGOMERY, A., STRNADOVÁ, I, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EAPEN, V. Co-design of a Neurodevelopment Assessment Scale: A Study Protocol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • ALI, A., ALEXANDER, S., KO, P., CUFFE, J.S.E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MCGRATH, J.J., EYLES. D. Developmental vitamin D deficiency in pregnant rats does not induce preeclampsia. Nutrients
  • DE BROIZE M., EVANS, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WRAY, J., EAPEN, V., URBANOWICZ, A. Exploring the seeking experience of seeking an autism diagnosis as an adult. Autism in Adulthood.
  • CAREY., E., HEALY, C., PERRY, Y., GILLAN, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CANNON, M., Lin, A. Evidence that infant and early childhood developmental impairments are associated with hallucinatory experiences: results from a large, population-based cohort study. Psychological Medicine.
  • BOULTON, K.A., COGHILL, D., SILOVE, N., PELLICANO, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BELLGROVE, M.A., RINEHART, N.J., LAH, S., REDOBLADO-HODGE, M-A., BADAWI, N., HEUSSLER, H., ROGERSOPN, N., BURNS, J., FARRAR, M.A., NANAN, R., NOVAK, I., GOLDWATER, M.B., MUNRO, N., TOGHER, L., NASSAR,, N., QUINN, P., MIDDELDORP, C., GUASTELLA, A.J. Transdiagnostic Assessment Protocol for Neurodevelopment and Mental Health: A Harmonised National Data Collection Network for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. JCPP Advances.
  • JAMI, E.S., HAMMERSCHLAG, A.R., IP, H.F., ….WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. ….MIDDELDORP, C.M. Genome-wide association meta-analysis of childhood and adolescent internalising symptoms. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • TAN, D.W., GILANI, S.Z., BOUTRUS, M., ALVARES, G.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MIAN, A., SUTER, D., MAYBERY, M.T. Facial asymmetry in parents of children on the autism spectrum. Autism Research.
  • ARENELLA, M., CADBY, G, DE WITTE, W., JONES, R.M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J., MOSES, E.K., FORNITO, A., BELLGROVE, M.A., HAWI, Z., JOHNSON, B., TIEGO, J., BUITELAAR, J.K., KIEMENEY, L.A., POELMANS, G., BRALTEN, J. Potential role for immune-related genes in autism spectrum disorders: Evidence from genome-wide association meta-analysis of autistic traits. Autism.
  • D’ARCY, E., WALLACE, K., CHAMBERLAIN, A., EVANS, K., MILBOURN, B., BÖLTE, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., GIRDLER, S. Content validation of common measures of functioning for young children against the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and Code and Core Sets relevant to neurodevelopmental conditions. Autism.
  • ENTICOTT, P. G., BARLOW, K., GUASTELLA, A. J., LICARI, M. K., ROGASCH, N. C., MIDDELDORP, C. M., CLARK, S. R., VALLENCE, A., BOULTON, K. A., HICKIE, I. B., WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., GALLETLY, C., ALVARES, G., FUJIYAMA, H., HEUSSLER, H., CRAIG, J., KIRKOVSKI, M., MILLS, N. T., RINEHART, N. J., DONALDSON, P. H., FORD, T. C., CAEYENBERGHS, K., ALBEIN-URIOS, N., BEKKALI, S., & FITZGERALD, P. B. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in autism spectrum disorder: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial. BMJ Open.
  • CHETCUTI, L., ULJAREVIC, L., VARCIN, K.J., BOUTRUS, M., PILLAR, S., DIMOV, S., BARBARO, J., DISSANAYAKE, C., GREEN, J., WAN, M.W., SEGAL, L., SLONIMS, V., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K. Caregiver psychological distress predicts temperament and social-emotional outcomes in infants with autism traits. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
  • IP, H., VAN DER LAAN, C., KRAPOHL, E. ….WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. ….BOOMSMA, D. Genetic Association Study of Childhood Aggression across raters, instruments and age. Translational Psychiatry.
  • MARRUS, N., TURNER, T.N., FORSEN, E., BOLSTER, D., MARVIN, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., KLINGER, L., GURNETT, C., CONSTANTINO, J.N. Genetic counseling as preventive intervention: Toward individual specification of transgenerational autism risk. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
  • ENGLISH, M.C.W, GIGNAC, G.E., VISSER, T.A.W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ENNS, J.E., MAYBERY, M.T. The Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory (CATI): Development and validation of a new measure of autistic traits in the general population. Molecular Autism.
  • LICARI, M., VARCIN, K., HUDRY, K., LEAONARD, H.C., ALVARES, G.a., PILLAR, S.V., STEVENSON, P., COOPER, M.N, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. and AICES team. The course and prognostic capability of motor difficulties in infants showing early signs of autism. Autism Research.
  • CHETCUTI, L*., ULJAREVIĆ, M*., ELLIS-DAVIES, K., HARDAN, A. Y., WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., HEDLEY, D., PUTNAM, S., HUDRY, K., & PRIOR, M. R. Temperament in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review.
  • D’ARCY, E., GIRDLER, S., FALKMER, M.., FALKMER, T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WRAY, J., EAPEN, V., Evans, K. Get it right, make it easy, see it all: Viewpoints of consumer viewpoints about the autism diagnostic process in Australia. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • JORGENSEN, A.R., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., FOX., A.M. Delayed cortical processing of auditory stimuli in children with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis of electrophysiological studies. Brain and Cognition.
  • LONCAREVIC, A., MAYBERY, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. The associations between autistic and communication traits in parents and developmental outcomes in children at familial risk of autism at 6 and 24 months of age. Infant Behavior and Development.
  • REDDIHOUGH, D., LEONARD, H., JACOBY, P., KIM, R., EPSTEIN, A., MURPHY, N., REID, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WILLIAMS, K., DOWNS. J. Comorbidities and quality of life in children with intellectual disability. Child: Care, Health & Development.
  • STRAUSS, P., COOK, A., WATSON, V., WINTER, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALBRECHT, N., WRIGHT TOUSSAINT, D., LIN, A. Mental health difficulties among trans and gender diverse young people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Findings from Trans Pathways. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
  • TAYLOR, L.J., EGGLESTON, M.J.F., THABREW, H., VAN DER MEER, L., WADDINGTON, H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., EVANS, K. An investigation of adherence to best practice guidelines for autism diagnosis in New Zealand. Autism.
  • WALLACE-WAThe KidsN, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. Early intervention delivery methods for New Zealand children with autism: Current practices versus parental preferences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • YAP, C.X., ALVARES; G.A., HENDERS, A.K., LIN, T., WALLACE, L., FARRELLY,L., MCLAREN, T., BERRY, J., VINKHUYZEN, A.A.E., TRZASKOWSKI, M., ZENG, J., YANG, Y., CLEARY, D., GROVE, R., HAFEKOST, C., HARUN, A., HOLDSWORTH, H., JELLETT, R., KHAN, F., LAWSON, L., LESLIE, J., FRENK, M.L., MASI, A., MATHEW, N.E., MUNIANDY, M.E., NOTHARD, M., VISSCHER, P.M., DAWSON, P.A., DISSANAYAKE, C., EAPEN, V., HEUSSLER, H.S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WRAY, N.R., GRATTEN, J. Analysis of common genetic variation and rare CNVs in the Australian Autism Biobank. Molecular Autism.
  • VAN LEEUWEN, B., SMEETS, P., BOVET, J., NAVE, G., STIEGLITZ, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Do sex hormones at birth predict later-life economic preferences? Evidence from a pregnancy birth cohort study. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.
  • ING, C, LANDAU, R., DESTEPHANO, D., MILES, C., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B.S., LI, G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Prenatal Exposure to General Anesthesia and Childhood Behavioral Deficit. Anesthesia & Analgesia.
  • ALI, A., CUI, X., PERTILE, R.A., LI, X., MEDLEY, G., ALEXANDER, S.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. MCGRATH, J.J., WALTER EYLES, D.W. (in press). Developmental Vitamin D deficiency increases foetal exposure to testosterone. Molecular Autism.
  • WALLACE-WAThe KidsN, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WADDINGTON, H. Early intervention delivery methods for New Zealand children with autism: Current practices versus parental preferences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • ALVARES, G.A., LICARI, M.K., STEVENSON, P.G., BEBBINGTON, K., COOPER, M.N., GLASSON, E.J., TAN, D.W., ULJAREVIC, M., VARCIN, K.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Investigating associations between birth order and autism diagnostic phenotypes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • HUDRY, K., CHETCUTI, L., BOUTRUS, M., PILLAR, S., BAKER, E., DIMOV, S., BARBARO, J., GREEN, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., VARCIN, K. Performance of the autism observation scale for infants (AOSI) with community-ascertained infants showing early signs of autism.
  • PAPADOPOULOS, N., WHELAN, M., SKOUTERIS, H., WILLIAMS, K., MCGINLEY, J., SHIH, S., EMONSON, C., MOSS, S., SIVARATNAM, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., RINEHART, N. An examination of parent reported facilitators and barriers to organised physical activity engagement for youth with neurodevelopmental disorders, physical, and medical conditions. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • AGRAWAL, S., PESTELL C.F., GRANICH, J., RAO, S., NATHAN, E., WRAY, J.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PATOLE S. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of children who participated as preterm neonates in a randomised-controlled trial of Bifidobacterium breve M16-V. Early Human Development.
  • CHETCUTI, L. ULJAREVIĆ, M., VARCIN, K., BOUTRUS, M., WAN M.W. GREEN, K., IACONO, T., DISSANAYAKE, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. HUDRY, K., AND the AICES Team. Subgroups of Temperament Associated with Social-Emotional Difficulties in Infants with Early Signs of Autism. Autism Research.
  • WILLIAMS, K., JACOBY, P., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., KIM, R., EPSTEIN, A., MURPHY, N., REID, S., LEONARD, H., REDDIHOUGH, D., DOWNS, J. Functioning, participation and quality of life in children with intellectual disability: An observational study. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
  • SHIELDS, N., EPSTEIN, A., JACOBY, P., KIM, R., LEONARD, H., REDDIHOUGH, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MURPHY, N., DOWNS, J. Modifiable child and caregiver factors that influence community participation among children with down syndrome. Disability and Rehabilitation.
  • PANOSSIAN, C., ODDY, W., WHITEHOUSE ,A.J.O., LYONS-WALL, P., O’SULLIVAN, T. Young adults with high autistic-like traits displayed lower food variety and diet quality in childhood. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 
  • PATEL, S., COOPER, M.N, JONES, H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., DALE, R.C., GUASTELLA, A.J. Maternal immune-related conditions during pregnancy may be a risk factor for neuropsychiatric problems in offspring throughout childhood and adolescence. Psychological Medicine.
  • TAN, D. W., FOO, Y. Z., DOWNS, J., FINLAY-JONES, A., LEONARD, H., LICARI, M., MULLEN, N., SYMONS, M., VARCIN, K, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALVARES, G. A preliminary investigation of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on facial morphology in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Alcohol.
  • CHETCUTI, L., ULJAREVIĆ, M., VARCIN, K., BOUTRUS, M., WAN, M.W., SLONIMS, V., GREEN, J., SEGAL, L., IACONO, T., DISSANAYAKE, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HUDRY, K., the AICES Team. The role of negative affectivity in concurrent relations between caregiver psychological distress and social-emotional difficulties in infants with early signs of autism. Autism Research.
  • WADDINGTON, H., MCLAY, L., WOODS, L., & WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O.  Child and family characteristics associated with sleep disturbance in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • JACOBY, P., EPSTEIN, A., KIM, R., MURPHY, N., LEONARD, H., WILLIAMS, K., REDDIHOUGH, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., DOWNS, J. Reliability of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) measure in children with intellectual disability, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
  • BRENNAN-JONES, C.G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CALDER, S.D., DA COSTA, C., EIKENBOOK, E.H., SWANEPOEL, D., JAMIESON, S. Does otitis media affect later language ability? A prospective birth cohort study. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
  • HOWELL, K., SIVARATNAM, C., LINDOR, E., HYDE, C., McGillivary, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., RINEHART, N. Can participation in a community organized football program improve social, behavioural functioning and communication in children with autism spectrum disorder? A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • HUDRY, K., PELLICANO, E., ULJAREVIC, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Setting the Research Agenda for Securing Autistic Wellbeing, Lancet Neurology.
  • BRENNAN-JONES, C.G., HAKEEM, H.H., DA COSTA, C., WENG, W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JAMIESON, S.E., EIKELBOOM, R. Cross-sectional prevalence and risk factors for otitis media and hearing loss in Australian children aged 5 to 7 years: a prospective cohort study. Australian Journal of Otolaryngology.
  • ULJAREVIĆ, M., COOPER, M.N., BEBBINGTON, K., GLASSON, E.J., MAYBERY, M.T., VARCIN, K., ALVARES, G.A., WRAY, J., LEEKAM, S.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Deconstructing the repetitive behaviour phenotype in Autism Spectrum Disorder through a large population-based analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 
  • REDDIHOUGH, D., MARRAFFA, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Reply to: Obsessive-compulsive behaviors in autism. JAMA.
  • TAN, D., MAYBERY, M., GILANI, S.Z., ALVARES, G., MIAN, A., SUTER, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. A broad autism phenotype expressed in facial morphology. Translational Psychiatry.
  • TAN, D.W., MAYBERY, M.T., EWING, L., TAY, J-X., EASTWOOD, P.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Sex-specific variation in facial masculinity/femininity associated with autistic traits in the general population. British Journal of Psychology
  • MAHFOUDA, S., PANOS, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., THOMAS, C., MAYBERY, M., STRAUSS, P., ZEPF, F.D., O’DONOVAN, A., VAN HALL, H-W, SAUNDERS, L., MOORE, J.K., LIN, A. The prevalence and mental health correlates of Autism Spectrum Disorder in gender diverse young people: evidence from a specialized child and adolescent gender clinic in Australia. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 
  • WADDINGTON, H., VAN DER MEER., L., SIGAFOOS, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Examining parent use of specific intervention techniques during a 12-Week training program based on the Early Start Denver Model. Autism.
  • REDDIHOUGH, D.S., MARRAFFA, C., MOUTI, A., O’SULLIVAN, M., LEE, K.J., ORSINI, F., HAZELL, P., GRANICH, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WRAY, J., DOSSETOR, D., SANTOSH, P., SILOVE, N., KOHN, M. Effect of fluoxetine on obsessive compulsive behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA.
  • ENGLISH, M.CW., GIGNAC, G.E., VISSER, T.A.W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MAYBERY, M.T. A comprehensive psychometric analysis of Autism-Spectrum Quotient factor models using two large samples: model recommendations and the influence of divergent traits on total-scale scores. Autism Research.
  • VIVANTI, G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Australia. In F.R. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer.
  • EPSTEIN, A., WILLIAMS, K., REDDIHOUGH, D., MURPHY, N., LEONARD, H., WHITEHOUSE, A., JACOBY, P., & DOWNS, J. Content validation of the Quality of Life Inventory – Disability (QI-Disability). Child: Care, Health and Development
  • ALI, A., VASILEVA, S., LANGGUTH, M., ALEXANDER, S., CUI, X., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MCGRATH, J.J., EYLES, D. Developmental Vitamin D deficiency produces behavioural phenotypes of relevance to autism in an animal model. Nutrients.
  • MIDDELDORP, C.M., FELIX, J.F., MAHAJAN, A., WHITEHOUSE, A,J.O. EArly Genetics Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortium*, Early Growth Genetics (EGG) consortium*, McCarthy, M.I. The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortia: design, results and future prospects. European Journal of Epidemiology.
  • DAVIS, E. REDDIHOUGH, D., MURPHY N., EPSTEIN., A., REID, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WILLIAMS, K., LEONARD, H., DOWNS, J. Child: Care, Health & Development.
  • AN, J. Y., CRISTINO, A. S., ZHAO, Q., RAVINE, D., WRAY, J. A., MARSHALL, V. M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CLAUDIANOS, C. A network-based approach to diagnosis of Autism Spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
  • VARCIN, K.J., HERNIMAN, S.E., LIN, A., CHEN, Y., PERRY, Y., PUGH, C., CHISHOLM K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WOOD, S.J. Occurrence of psychosis and bipolar disorder in adults with autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
  • TAYLORA, L.J, & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. Brain-behavior links in autism spectrum disorder across the lifespan. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience: Second Edition. 3-3: Elsevier; 2021. p. 346-54.
  • REYNOLDS, J.E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALVARES, G.A., WADDINGTON, H., MACASKILL, E., LICARI, M.E. Characterising the early presentation of motor difficulties in Autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • ULJAREVIĆ, M., ALVARES, G., STEELE, M., EDWARDS, J., FRAZIER, T., HARDAN, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (in press). Towards better characterization of restricted and unusual interests in youth with Autism. Autism.
  • TREMBATH, D., WADDINGTON, H., SULEK, R., VARCIN, K., BENT, C., ASHBURNER, J., EAPEN, V., GOODALL, E., HUDRY, K., SILOVE, N., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. An evidence-based framework for determining the optimal amount of intervention for children on the autism spectrum. Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., VARCIN, K.J., PILLAR, S., BILLINGHAM, W., ALVARES, G.A., BARBARO, J., BENT, C.A., BLENKLEY, D., BOUTRUS, M., CHEE, A., CHETCUTI, A., CLARK, A., DAVIDSON, E., DIMOV, S., DISSANAYAKE, C., DOYLE, J., GRANT, M., GREEN, C.C., HARRAP, M., IACONO, T., MATYS, L., MAYBERY, M., POPE, D.F., RENTON, M., ROWBOTTAM, C., SADKA, N., SEGAL, L., SLONIMS, V., SMITH, J., TAYLOR, C., WAKELING, S., WAN, M.W., WRAY, J., COOPER, M.N., GREEN, J., HUDRY, K. Effect of pre-emptive intervention on developmental outcomes for infants showing early signs of autism: A randomized clinical trial of outcomes to diagnosis, JAMA Pediatrics.
  • WADDINGTON, H., REYNOLDS, J., Macaskill, E., Curtis, S., TAYLOR, L.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (in press. The effects of JASPER intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review. Autism.
  • LICARI, M., ALVARES, G.A., VARCIN, K., EVANS, K.L., CLEARY, D., REID, S.L., GLASSON, E.J., BEBBINGTON, K., REYNOLDS, J.E., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (in press). Prevalence of motor difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Analysis of a population-based cohort. Autism Research.
  • BOUTRUS, M., GILANI, S.Z., MAYBERY, M.T., ALVARES G.A., TAN, D.W., EASTWOOD, P.R., MIAN, A. & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2020). Facial asymmetry and autistic-like traits in the general population. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • ENGLISH, M.CW., GIGNAC, G.E., VISSER, T.A.W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MAYBERY, M.T. A comprehensive psychometric analysis of Autism-Spectrum Quotient factor models using two large samples: model recommendations and the influence of divergent traits on total-scale scores. Autism Research.
  • LICARI, M., FINLAY-JONES, A., REYNOLDS, J.E., ALVARES, G.A., SPITTLE, A.J., DOWNS, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., LEONARD, H., EVANS, K.L., VARCIN, K. (in press). The brain basis of comorbidity in neurodevelopmental disorders. Current Developmental Disorders Reports.
  • BOUTRUS, M., GILANI, S.Z., ALVARES, G.A., MAYBERY, M,T., TAN, D.W., MIAN, A., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2019). Increased facial asymmetry in autism spectrum conditions is associated with symptom presentation. Autism Research.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., VARCIN K.J, ALVARES, G.A., BARBARO, J. BENT, C., BOUTRUS, M., CHETCUTI, L., COOPER, M.N., CLARK, A., DAVIDSON, E., DIMOV, S., DISSANAYAKE, C., DOYLE., J., GRANT, M., IACONO, T., MAYBERY, M., PILLAR, S., RENTON, M., ROWBOTTAM, C, SADKA, N., SEGAL, L., SLONIMS, V., TAYLOR, C., WAKELING, S., WAN, M.W., WRAY, J., GREEN, J., HUDRY, K. (2019). A randomised-controlled trial of a pre-emptive intervention for infants showing early behavioural risk signs of autism spectrum disorder. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health.
  • ALVARES, G.A., BEBBINGTON, K., CLEARY, D., EVANS, K., GLASSON, E.J., MAYBERY, M.T., PILLAR, S., ULJAREVIC, M., VARCIN, K., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2019). The misnomer of 'high functioning autism': IQ is a weak predictor of functional abilities in autism spectrum disorder. Autism.
  • DEMONTIS D, WALTERS RK, MARTIN J, MATTHEISEN M, ALS TD, AGERBO E, et al. (2019) Discovery of the first genome-wide significant risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Nature Genetics.
  • AMARAL, D. G., ANDERSON, G. M., BAILEY, A., BERNIER, R., BISHOP, S., BLATT, G., CANAL‐BEDIA, R., CHARMAN, T., DAWSON, G., VRIES, P. J., DICICCO‐BLOOM, E., DISSANAYAKE, C., KAMIO, Y., KANA, R., KHAN, N.Z., KNOLL, A. , KOOY, F , LAINHART, J., LEVITT, P., LOVELAND, K. , MINSHEW, N., MUELLER, R., MURPHY, D., MUNDY, P., PALENCIA, S., PINTO‐MARTIN, J., RATTAZZI, A., ROGERS, S., STONE, W.L., WEBB, S.J., WHITEHOUSE, A. (2019), Gaps in current autism research: The thoughts of the Autism Research Editorial Board and Associate Editors. Autism Research.
  • ARIAS-VÁSQUEZ, A., GROFFEN, A.J., SPIJKER, S. et al. A Potential Role for the STXBP5-AS1 Gene in Adult ADHD Symptoms. Behavioral Genetics (2019).
  • DEMONTIS D, WALTERS RK, MARTIN J, MATTHEISEN M, ALS TD, AGERBO E, et al. Discovery of the first genome-wide significant risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Nature Genetics. 2019;51(1):63-75.
  • UREN, J., RICHDALE, A., COTTON, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2019). Sleep problems and anxiety from 2- to 8-years and the influence of autistic traits: A longitudinal study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • TYE, C., RUNICLES, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALVARES, G.A. (2019). Characterising the interplay between autism spectrum disorder and comorbid medical conditions: an integrative review. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
  • ALVARES, G.A., CHEN, N.T.M., NOTEBAERT, L., GRANICH, J., MITCHELL, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2019). Brief social attention bias modification for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research.
  • DOWNS, J., JACOBY,P., LEONARD,H., EPSTEIN,A., MURPHY,N., DAVIS,E., REDDIHOUGH, D., WHITEHOUSE, A., WILLIAMS K. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) measure. Quality of Life Research.
  • WOODWARD, K., STAMPALIA, J., VANYAI, H., RIJHUMAL, H., POTTS, K., TAYLOR, F., PEVERALL,J. GRUMBALL,T., SIVAMOORTHY, S., ALINEJAD-ROKNY, H., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., NAGARAJAN, L., SCURLOCK, J., AFCHANI, S., EDWARDS, M., MURCH, A., BEILBY, J., BAYNAM, G., KIRALY-BORRI, C., MCKENZIE, F., HENG, J.I.T. (2019). Atypical nested 22q11.2 duplications between LCR22B and LCR22D are associated with neurodevelopmental phenotypes including autism spectrum disorder with incomplete penetrance. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine
  • ALVARES, G.A., DAWSON, P.A., DISSANAYAKE, C., EAPEN, V., GRATTEN, J., GROVE, R., HENDERS, A., HEUSSLER, H., LAWSON, L., MASI, A., RAYMOND, E., ROSE, F., WALLACE, L., WRAY, N.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2018). Study protocol for the Australian Autism Biobank: An international resource to advance autism discovery research. BMC Pediatrics.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALVARES, G.A., CLEARY, D., HARUN, A., STOJANOSKA, A., TAYLOR, L.J., VARCIN, K.J., MAYBERY, M.T. (2018). Symptom severity in autism spectrum disorder is related to the frequency and severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: A retrospective case-control study. Molecular Autism.
  • DOWNS, J., BLACKMORE, A.M., EPSTEIN, A., SKOSS, R, LANGDON., K., JACOBY, P., WHITEHOUSE, A.J., LEONARD, H., ROWE P, W., GLASSON, E.J. (2018). The prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
  • TAN, D.W., MAYBERY, M.T., CLARKE, M.W., DI LORENZO, R., EVANS, M.O,. MANCINONE, M., PANOS, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2018). No relationship between autistic traits and salivary testosterone concentrations in men from the general population. PLoS ONE.
  • GUASTELLA, A.J., COOPER, M.N., WHITE, C.R.H., WHITE, M., PENNELL, C.E., WHITEHOUSE A.J.O. (2018). Does perinatal exposure to exogenous oxytocin influence child behavioural problems and autistic-like behaviours to 20 years of age? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • YATES, N.J., TESIC, D., FEINDEL, K.W., SMITH, J., CLARKE, M.W., WALE, A., CREW, R.C., WHARFE, M.D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WYRWOLL, C.S. (2018). Vitamin D is crucial for maternal care and offspring social behaviour in rats. Journal of Endocrinology.
  • DA COSTA, C., EIKELBOOM, R.H., JACQUES, A., SWANEPOEL, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JAMIESON, S.E., BRENNAN-JONES, C.G. (2018). Does otitis media in early childhood affect later behavioural development? Results from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study. Clinical Otolaryngology.
  • WILLIAMS, S.M., AN, J.Y., EDSON, J., WATTS, M., MURIGNEUX, V., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JACKSON, C.J., BELLGROVE, M.A., CRISTINO, A.S., CLAUDIANOS, C., (2018) An integrative analysis of non-coding regulatory DNA variations associated with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Psychiatry.
  • ROGERSON, J., FALKMER, M., CUOMO, B., FALKMER, T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., GRANICH, J., VAZ, S. (2018) Parental experiences using the Therapy Outcomes by You (TOBY) application to deliver early intervention to their child with autism. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
  • ARMSTRONG, R., SYMONS, M., SCOTT J.G., ARNOTT, W.L., COPLAND D.A, MCMAHON, K.L., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2018). Predicting language difficulties in middle childhood from early developmental milestones: A comparison of traditional regression and machine learning techniques. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
  • BLANKEN, L.M.E., DASS, A., ALVARES, G., VAN DER ENDE, J., SCHOEMAKER, N.K., EL MARROUN, H., HICKEY, M., PENNELL, C., WHITE, S., MAYBERY, M., DISSANAYAKE, C., JADDOE, V.V.W., VERLHURST, F.C., TIEMEIER, H., MCINTOSH, W., WHITE, T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2018). A prospective study of fetal head growth, autistic traits and autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research.
  • PATEL, S., MASI, A., DALE, R., WHITHOUSE, A.K., POKORSKI, I., ALVARES, G.A., HICKIE, I.B., BREEN, E., & GUASTELLA A.J. (2018). Social impairments in autism spectrum disorder are related to maternal immune history profile, Molecular Psychiatry.
  • TAN, D.W., GILANI, S.Z., MAYBERY, M.T., MIAN, A., HUNT, A., WALTERS, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2017). Hypermasculinised facial morphology in boys and girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder and its association with symptomatology. Scientific Reports.
  • VARCIN, K.J., ALVARES, G.A., ULJAREVIĆ, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2017). Prenatal maternal stress events and phenotypic outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research.
  • BOUTRUS, M., MAYBERY, M.T., ALVARES, G.A., TAN, D.W., VARCIN, K.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., (2017). Investigating facial phenotype in Autism Spectrum Conditions: The importance of a hypothesis driven approach. Autism Research.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., GRANICH, J., ALVARES, G., BUSACCA; M., COOPER, M.N., DASS, A., DUONG, T., HARPER, R., MARSHALL, W., RICHDALE, A., RODWELL, T., TREMBATH, D., VELLANKI,P., MOORE, D.M., ANDERSON,., A. (2017). A randomised-controlled trial of an iPad-based application to complement early behavioural intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • ALVARES, G., QUINTANA, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.JO. (2017). Beyond the hype and hope: critical considerations for intranasal oxytocin research in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research.
  • BRENNAN-JONES, C.G., EIKELBOOM ,R.H., JACQUES, A., SWANEPOEL D.W., ATLAS, M.D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JAMIESON, S.E., ODDY, W.H. (2017). Protective benefit of predominant breastfeeding against otitis media may be limited to early childhood: Results from a prospective birth cohort study. Clinical Otolaryngology.
  • MASI, A., BREEN E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ALVARES, G., GLOZIER, N., HICKIE, I.B., HUNT, A., BEILBY, J., RAVINE, D., WRAY, J. GUASTELLA, A. (2017). Cytokine levels and associations with symptom severity in male and female children with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism.
  • GRANICH, J., LIN, A., HUNT A., WRAY, J., DASS, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2017). Obesity and associated factors in youth with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism.
  • ING, C.,WALL, M.M., DIMAGGIO, C.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J., HEGARTY, M.K., SUN, M., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B.S., LI, G., SUN, L.S. (2017). Latent class analysis of neurodevelopmental deficit after exposure to anesthesia in early childhood. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology.
  • LIN, A., DI PRINZIO, P., YOUNG, D., JACOBY, P., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WATERS, F., JABLENSKY, A., MORGAN, V.A. (2017). Academic Performance in Children of Mothers With Schizophrenia and Other Severe Mental Illness, and Risk for Subsequent Development of Psychosis: A Population-Based Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
  • JAMNADASS, E., KEELAN, J.A., HICKEY, M., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2017). Perinatal androgens and estrogens and verbal and visuospatial abilities at age 10 in the general population. PLOSONE.
  • EPSTEIN, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., WILLIAMS, K., MURPHY, N., LEONARD, H., DAVIS, E., REDDIHOUGH, D., DOWNS, J. Parent-observed thematic data on quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism.
  • PARK, B.Y., LEE, B.K., BURSTYN, I., TABB, L.P., KEELAN, J.A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., et al. Umbilical cord blood androgen levels and ASD-related phenotypes at 12 and 36 months in an enriched risk cohort study. Molecular Autism. 2017; 8(1):1-12. 
  • BISHOP, D.V.M., SNOWLING, M., GREEHALGH, T. WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., AND CATALISE CONSORTIUM. (2016). CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development. Phase 2. Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • ARMSTRONG, R., SCOTT, J. G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., COPLAND, D. A., MCMAHON, K. L., & ARNOTT, W. (2016). Late talkers and later language outcomes: Predicting the different language trajectories. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology.
  • BISHOP, D.V.M., SNOWLING, M., GREEHALGH, T. AND CATALISE CONSORTIUM. (2016). CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLoS ONE, e0158753.
  • EPSTEIN, A., LEONARD, H., DAVIS, E., WILLIAMS, K., REDDIHOUGH, D., MURPHY N., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., DOWNES, J. (2016). Conceptualizing a quality of life framework for girls with Rett Syndrome using qualitative methods. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Part A, 170, 645-653.
  • LIN A, WARDENAAR KJ, PONTILLO M, DE CRESCENZO F, MAZZONE L, VICARI S WOOD SJ, BEAVAN A, ARMANDO M. (2016). Differentiating early and very early onset psychosis: do we have the age of onset cut-off correct? Schizophrenia Research 170, 211-216.
  • UNWIN, L.M., MAYBERY, M.T., MURPHY, A., LILJE, W., BELLESINI, M., HUNT, A.M., GRANICH, J., JACOBY, P., DISSANAYAKE, C., PENNELL, C.E., HICKEY, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2016). A prospective ultrasound study of prenatal growth in infant siblings of children with autism. Autism Research, 9, 210-216.
  • BRENNAN-JONES, C.G., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PARK, J., HEGARTY, M., JACQUES, A., EIKELBOOM, R.H., SWANEPOEL, D., WHITE, J., JAMIESON, S. (2015). Prevalence and risk factors for parent-reported recurrent otitis media during early childhood in the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51, 403-409.
  • CHISHOLM KE, LIN A, ABU-AKEL A, WOOD SJ. (2015). The association between autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A review of eight alternate models of co-occurrence. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 55, 173-183.
  • CHIU A, HARVEY RH, SLOAN NB, REE M, LIN A, WATERS F. (2015) Cognitive and behavioural factors associated with insomnia in people with psychosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203(10), 798-803. 
  • CROPLEY V, LIN A, NELSON B, RENIERS RLEP, YUNG A, BARTHOLOMEUSZ CF, KLAUSER P, VELAKOULIS D, MCGORRY P, WOOD SJ, PANTELIS C. (2015). Baseline grey matter volume of non-transitioned "ultra-high risk" for psychosis individuals with and without attenuated psychotic symptoms at long-term follow-up. Schizophrenia Research,
  • GILANI, S.Z., TAN, D.W., RUSSELL-SMITH, S.N., MAYBERY, M.T., MIAN, A., EASTWOOD, P.R., SHAFAIT, F., GOONEWARDENE, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2015). Sexually dimorphic facial features vary according to level of autistic-like traits in the general population. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 7, 14.
  • HART, P.H., LUCAS, R.M., WALSH, J.P., ZOSKY, G.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ZHU, K., ALLEN, K.A., KUSEL, M.M., ANDERSON, D., MOUNTAIN, J.A. (2015). Vitamin D in fetal development: Findings from a birth cohort study. Pediatrics, 135(1), e167-e173.
  • HARTMANN J, YUEN HP, MCGORRY P, YUNG AR, LIN A, WOOD SJ, NELSON B. (2015). Declining transition rates to psychotic disorder in "ultrahigh risk" clients: Investigation of a dilution effect. Schizophrenia Research,
  • HAWES, J.E., TESIC, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O, ZOSKY, GR., SMITH, J.T., WYRWOLL, C.S. (2015). Maternal vitamin D deficiency alters fetal brain development in the BALB/c mouse. Behavioural Brain Research, 286, 192-200.
  • HEINZE K, LIN A, RENIERS RLEP, WOOD SJ. (2015). Longer-term increased cortisol levels in young people with mental health problems. Psychiatry Research
  • HEINZE K, RENIERS RLEP, NELSON B, YUNG AR, LIN A, HARRISON B, PANTELIS C, VELAKOULIS D, MCGORRY P, WOOD SJ. (2015). Discrete alterations of brain network structural covariance in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis. Biological Psychiatry, 77(11), 989-996.
  • HOLLIER, L.P., KEELEN, J.A., JAMNADASS, E.S.L., MAYBERY, M.T., HICKEY, M., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2015). Adult digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to umbilical cord androgen or estrogen concentrations, their ratios or net bioactivity. Early Human Development, 91, 111-117.
  • ING, C., DIMAGGIO, C., MALACOVA, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HEGARTY, M. K., FENG, T., BRADY, J., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B. S., et al. (2015). Early childhood anesthetic neurotoxicity and unmeasured covariates - There's the RUB. Anaesthesiology, 122, 216-217.
  • JAMNADASS, E.S.L., KEELAN, J.A., HOLLIER, L.P., HICKEY, M., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2015). The perinatal androgen:estrogen ratio and autistic-like traits in the general population: a longitudinal pregnancy cohort study. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 7, 17.
  • LIN A & WOOD SJ. (2015) Understanding the course of cognitive deficits over the onset of psychosis. Evidence-Based Mental Health, doi: 10.1136/eb-2014-101975.
  • LIN A, NORTHAM EA, WERTHER GA, CAMERON FJ. (2015) Risk factors for deterioration in IQ in youth with type 1 diabetes over the 12 years from diagnosis/illness onset. Diabetes Care, 38(2), 236-242.
  • LIN A, BREWER WJ, YUNG AR, NELSON B, PANTELIS C, WOOD SJ. (2015) Olfactory identification deficits at identification as ultra-high risk for psychosis is associated with poor functional outcome. Schizophrenia Research, 161, 156-162.
  • LIN A, WOOD SJ, NELSON B, BEAVAN A, MCGORRY P, YUNG AR. (2015) Outcomes of non-transitioned cases in a sample at ultra-high risk for psychosis: a medium to long-term follow-up study. American Journal of Psychiatry 172(3), 249-258.
  • MOORE, D.R., VENKATESH, S., ANDERSON, A., GREENHILL, S., PHUNG, D., DUONG, T., CAIRNS, D., MARSHALL, W., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2015). TOBY play-pad application to teach children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A pilot trial. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 18, 213-217.
  • MOORE, S., SCOTT, J., THOMAS, H.T., SLY. P.D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ZUBRICK, S.R., NORMAN, R.E. (2015) Impact of adolescent peer aggression on educational achievement and employment in an Australian Cohort. Journal of Adolescence, 43, 39-49.
  • O'DONOGHUE B, NELSON B, YUEN HP, LANE A, WOOD SJ, THOMPSON A, LIN A, MCGORRY P, YUNG AR. (2015) Social environmental risk factors for transition to psychosis in an Ultra-High Risk (UHR) population. Schizophrenia Research, 161, 150-155.
  • O'DONOGHUE B, YUNG AR, WOOD SJ, LIN A, THOMPSON A, MCGORRY P, NELSON B (2015). Neighbourhood characteristics and the rate of identification of young people at ultra-high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 169(1-3), 214-216
  • PETTIGREW, K.A, FAJUTRAO VALLES, S.F, MOLL, K., NORTHSTONE, K., RING, S., PENNELL, C., WANG, C., LEAVETT, R., HAYIOU-THOMAS, M.E., THOMPSON, P., SIMPSON, N.H., FISHER, S.E., THE SLI CONSORTIUM, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.,O., SNOWLING, M.J., NEWBURY, D.F., PARACCHINI., S. (2015). Lack of replication for the myosin-18B association with mathematical ability in independent cohorts. Genes Brain Behaviour, 14, 369-376.
  • SOONG W, SMITH W, MCCANN B, BROOKER A, CLEARYC, LAWI, OLIVER R, PENFOLD K, THOMAS W, LIN A. (2015) A newcomer to an old country: reflections of a youth mental health service participating in the Looking Forward Project. New Community, 13(3), 37-40.
  • TAN, D.W., RUSSELL-SMITH, S.N., SIMONS, J.M., MAYBERY, M.T., LEUNG, D., NG, H.L.H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2015). Perceived gender ratings for high and low scorers on the autism spectrum quotient consistent with the extreme male brain account of autism. PLoS ONE, 10(7):e0131780.
  • TAYLOR, L.J., MAYBERY, M.T., WRAY, J., RAVINE, D., HUNT, A., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O (2015). Are there differences in the behavioural phenotypes of autism spectrum disorder probands from simplex and multiplex families? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 11, 56-62. 
  • TEARNE, J.E., ALLEN, K.L., HERBISON, C.E., LAWRENCE, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., SAWYER, M.G., ROBINSON, M. (2015). The association between prenatal environment and children's mental health trajectories from 2-14 years. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 1015-1024.
  • WILTINK S, NELSON B, VELTHORST E, WIGMAN JTW, LIN A, ROSS M, BAKSHEEV G, COSGRAVE E, RYAN J, YUNG AR (2015). Association between personality traits and psychotic (-like) experiences in a non-clinical adolescent sample. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 92-97.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., GILANI, S.Z., SHAFAIT, F., MIAN, A., TAN, D.W., MAYBERY, M.T., KEELAN,J.A, HART, R., HANDELSMAN, D.J., GOONAWARDENE, M., EASTWOOD, P. (2015). Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 282, 2015135.
  • YUNG AR, COTTER J, WOOD SJ, MCGORRY P, THOMPSON A, NELSON B, LIN A (2015). Childhood trauma and transition to psychotic disorder independently predict long term functioning in the Ultra High Risk group. Psychological Medicine, 45(16), 3453-3465.
  • AN, J. Y., CRISTINO, A. S., ZHAO, Q., EDSON, J., WILLIAMS, S., RAVINE, D., WRAY, J. A., HUNT, A.M., MARSHALL, V. M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., CLAUDIANOS, C (2014). Towards a molecular characterization of Autism Spectrum Disorders: An exome sequencing and systems approach. Translational Psychiatry, 4, e394.
  • BENKE, K., NIVARDA, M., VELDERS, F., WALTERS, R., PAPPA, I., SCHEET, P., XIAO, X., EHLI, E., PALMER, L., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., VERHULST, F., JADDOE, V., RIVADENEIRA, F., GROEN-BLOKHUIS, M., VAN BEIJSTERVELDT, C., DAVIES, G., HUDZIAK, J., LUBKE, G., BOOMSMA, D.I., PENNELL, C., TIEMEIER, H., MIDDELDORP, C. (2014). A genome-wide association meta-analysis of preschool internalizing problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 667-676.
  • BISHOP, D. V. M., HOLT, G., WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., & GROEN, M. (2014). No population bias to left-hemisphere language in 4-year-olds with language impairment. PeerJ, 2, e507.
  • FAIRTHORNE, J., FISHER, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Is the Broad Autism Phenotype in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder exacerbated by the challenges of caring for their children? Journal of Autism, 1, 2.
  • GRANICH, J., HUNT, A., RAVINE, D., WRAY, J., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). High use of complementary and alternative medication among children with autism is not associated with the severity of core symptoms. Journal of Autism, 1, Article 4.
  • HOLLIER, L.P., KEELEN, J.A., HICKEY, M., MAYBERY, M.T., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Measurement of androgen and estrogen concentrations in cord blood: Accuracy, biological interpretation and applications to understanding human behavioural development. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 5, 64.
  • HOLLIER, L.P., MAYBERY, M.T., KEELEN, J.A., HICKEY, M., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Perinatal testosterone exposure and cerebral lateralisation in adult males: Evidence for the callosal hypothesis. Biological Psychology, 103, 48-53.
  • HOLLIER, L., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Atypical cerebral lateralisation and language impairment in autism: Is fetal testosterone the linking mechanism? In J Arciuli, J Brock, Communication in Autism. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • ING, C., DIMAGGIO, C., MALACOVA, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HEGARTY, M. K., FENG, T., BRADY, J., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B. S., et al. (2014). Comparative analysis of outcome measures used in examining neurodevelopmental effects of early childhood anesthesia exposure. Anaesthesiology, 120, 1319-1332.
  • ING, C., DIMAGGIO, C., MALACOVA, E., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HEGARTY, M. K., SUN, M., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B. S, DAVIDSON, A., WALL, M.W., Li, G., SUN, L.S. (2004). Neurodevelopmental outcomes after initial childhood anesthetic exposure between ages 3 and 10 years. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 26, 377-386.
  • JONES, R.M., CADBY, G, BLANGERO, J., ABRAHAM, L.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MOSES, E.K. (2014. MACROD2 gene associated with autistic-like traits in a general population sample. Psychiatric Genetics, 24, 241-248.
  • MOORE, S.E., NORMAN, R.E., SLY, P.D., WHITEHOUSE; A.J.O, ZUBRICK, S.R., SCOTT, J. (2014). Adolescent peer aggression and its association with mental health and substance use in an Australian cohort. Journal of Adolescence, 37, 11-21.
  • ROBINSON, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., NEWNHAM, J.P., GORMAN, S., JACOBY, P., HOLT, B.J., SERRALHA, M., TEARNE, J.E., HOLT, P.G., HART, P.H. & KUSEL, M.M.H. (2014). Low maternal serum vitamin D during pregnancy and the risk for postpartum depression symptoms. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 17, 213-219.
  • RUSSELL-SMITH, S.N., COMERFORD, B.J.E., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Further evidence for a link between inner speech limitations and executive function in high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 1236-1243.
  • ST POURCAIN, B.*, CENTS, R.A.M.*, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O.*, HAWORTH, C.M.A.*, DAVIS, O.S.P.*,  O'REILLY, P.F., ROULSTONE, S., WREN, Y., ANG, Q.W., VELDERS, F.P., EVANS, D.M., KEMP, J.P., WARRINGTON, N.M., MILLER, L., TIMPSON, N.J., RING, S.M., VERHULST, F.C., HOFMAN, A., RIVADENEIRA., F, MEABURN, E.L., PRICE, T.S., DALE, P.D., PILLAS, D., YLIHERVA, A., RODRIGUEZ, A., GOLDING, J., JADDOE, V.W.V., JARVELIN, M-R., R., PENNELL, C.E., TIEMEIER, H., DAVEY SMITH, G., for   the EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium (2014). Common variation near ROBO2 is associated with expressive vocabulary in infancy. Nature Communications, 16, 4831.
    • *These authors contributed equally.
  • TAYLOR, L., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Do Autism Spectrum Disorders and Specific Language Impairment have a shared aetiology? A review of the evidence. In J Arciuli, J Brock, Communication in Autism. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • TAYLOR, L., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2014). Moving beyond behaviour-only assessment: Incorporating biomarkers to improve the early detection and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 19-22.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MAYBERY, M.T., HART, R., MATTES, E., NEWNHAM, J.P., SLOBODA, D.M., KEELAN, J.A, HICKEY, M. (2014). Re-analysis of the association between perinatal androgens and pragmatic language ability. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 32-33.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MAYBERY, M.T., HART, R., SLOBODA, D.M., NEWNHAM, J.P., STANLEY, F.J., HICKEY, M., KEELAN, J.A., (2014). Re-analysis of the association between perinatal androgens and postnatal head circumference growth. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 1025.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., SHELTON, W.M.R., ING, C., NEWNHAM, J.P. (2014).  Prenatal, perinatal and neonatal risk factors for Specific Language Impairment: A prospective pregnancy cohort study. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 57, 1418-1427.
  • ZHU, K., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HART, P., KUSEL, M., MOUNTAIN, J., LYE, S., PENNELL, C.E., & WALSH, J.P. (2014). Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy and bone mass in offspring at 20 years of age: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29, 1088-1095.
  • ZOSKY, G.R., HART, P.H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., KUSEL, M.M., ANG, W., FOONG, R.E., CHEN, L., HOLT, P.G., SLY, P.D., HALL, G.L. (in press). Maternal vitamin D deficiency is associated with impaired lung function and asthma at 6 years of age. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11, 571-577.
  • ALLEN, K.L., BYRNE, S.M., KUSEL, M.M.H., HART, P.H., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Maternal vitamin D levels during pregnancy and offspring eating disorder risk in adolescence. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46, 669-676.
  • FARRANT, B.M., MATTES, E., KEELAN, J.A., HICKEY, M., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Fetal testosterone, socio-emotional engagement and language development. Infant and Child Development, 22, 119-132.
  • GROEN, M.A, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BADCOCK, N.A, & BISHOP, D.V.M. (2013). Associations between handedness and cerebral lateralisation for language: a comparison of three measures in children. PLoS ONE, 8(5), e64876.
  • HOLLIER, L.P., MATTES, E., MAYBERY, M.T., KEELEN, J.A., HICKEY, M., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., (2013). The association between perinatal testosterone concentration and early vocabulary development: A prospective cohort study. Biological Psychology, 92, 212-215.
  • JONES, R.M., CADBY, G., MELTON, P.E., ABRAHAM, L.J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MOSES.E.K. (2013). Genome-wide association study of autistic-like traits in a general population study of young adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 658.
  • MELDRUM, S.J., STRUNK, T., CURRIE, A., PRESCOTT, S.L., SIMMER, K., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (in press).  Autism spectrum disorder in children born preterm: Role of exposure to perinatal inflammation. Frontiers in  Neuroendocrine Science, 7, 123.
  • NYARADI, A., LI, J., HICKLING, S., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., FOSTER, J.K., ODDY, W.H. (2013). Diet in the early years of life influences cognitive outcomes at ten years: a prospective cohort study. Acta Paediatrica, 102, 1165-1173.
  • ROBINSON, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JACOBY, P., MATTES, E., SAWYER, M., KEELAN, J. & HICKEY, M. (2013) Umbilical cord blood testosterone and childhood nternalizing and externalizing behavior: A prospective sudy. PLoS One,8(4), e59991.
  • ROBINSON, M., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ZUBRICK, S.R., PENNELL, C.E., JACOBY, P., MCLEAN, N.J., ODDY, W.H., HAMMOND, G., STANLEY, F.J. & NEWNHAM, J.P. (2013). Delivery at 37 weeks' gestation is associated with a higher risk for child behavioural problems. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 53, 143-151.
  • ROBINSON, M., ZUBRICK, S.R., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., PENNELL, C.E., JACOBY, P., MCLEAN, M.J., ODDY, W.H., HAMMOND, G., STANLEY, F.J., NEWNHAM, J.P. (in press). Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy predict parent-reported difficult temperament in infancy. The Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 34, 174-180.
  • ST. POURCAIN, B., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ANG, W.Q., WARRINGTON, N.M., GLESSNER, J.T., WANG, K., TIMPSON, N.J., EVANS, D.M., KEMP, J.P., RING, S.M., MCARDLE, W.L., GOLDING, J., HAKONARSON, H., PENNELL, C.E., DAVEY SMITH, G. (2013). Common variation contributes to the genetic architecture of social communication traits. Molecular Autism, 4, 34.
  • TAYLOR, L., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Do the nature of communication impairments in autism spectrum disorders relate to the broader autism phenotype in parents? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 2984-2989.
  • TAYLOR, L., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Evidence for distinct cognitive profiles in autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 19-30.
  • UNWIN, L.M., MAYBERY, M.T., WRAY, J., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). A 'bottom-up' approach to aetiological research in autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 606.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Autism and the creation of a phenomenon. Australian Quarterly, 84, 12-15.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Commentary on Abel et al. (2013), Am J Psychiatry: Deviance in fetal growth and risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Evidence Based Mental Health, 16, 86.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Complementary and alternative medicine for autism spectrum disorders: Rationale, safety and efficacy. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49, E438-E442.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2013). Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. In F.R. Volkmar (Ed.),Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HOLT, B.J., SERRALHA, M., HOLT, P.G., HART, P.H., KUSEL, M.M.H. (2013).  Maternal vitamin D levels and the autism phenotype among offspring. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 1495-1504.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., & STANLEY, F.J. (2013). Is autism one or multiple disorders? (Editorial). Medical Journal of Australia, 198(6), 302-303.
  • GROEN, M.A, WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., BADCOCK, N.A, & BISHOP, D.V.M. (2012). Does cerebral lateralisation develop? A study using functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound assessing lateralisation for language production and visuospatial memory. Brain and Behavior, 2, 256-269.
  • ING, C., DIMAGGIO, C., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., HEGARTY, M. K., BRADY, J., VON UNGERN-STERNBERG, B. S., et al. (2012). Long-term differences in language and cognitive function after childhood exposure to anesthesia. Pediatrics, 130(3), e476-e485.
  • KEELAN, J.A., MATTES, E., TAN, H-W., DINAN, A., NEWNHAM, J.P., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JACOBY, P.., HICKEY, M. (2012). Androgen concentrations in umbilical cord blood and their association with maternal, fetal and obstetric factors. PLoS ONE, 7 (8), e42827.
  • ODDY, W., LI, J., ROBINSON, M., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2012). The long-term effects of breastfeeding on development. In Ö Özdemir (Ed.) Pediatrics/Book1, ISBN 979-953-307-469-5.
  • SCERRI, T, DARKI, F., NEWBURY, D., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., JANVID-PEYRARD, M., MATSSON, H., ANG, Q.W., PENNELL, C.E., RING, S., STEIN, J., MORRIS, A., P., MONACO, A.P., KERE., J., TALCOTT, J., KLINGBERG, T., PARACCHINI, S. (2012). The dyslexia candidate locus on 2p12 is associated with general cognitive ability and white matter density. PLoS ONE, 7, e50321.
  • STOCH, Y.K., WILLIAMS, C.J., GRANICH, J., HUNT, A.M., LANDAU, L.I., NEWNHAM, J.P., & WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2012). Are prenatal ultrasound scans associated with the autism phenotype? Follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,42, 2693-2701.
  • TAYLOR, L. J., MAYBERY, M.T., WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O. (2012). Do children with specific language impairment have a cognitive profile reminiscent of autism? A review of the literature. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 2067-2083.
  • WHITEHOUSE,  A.J.O.,HOLT, B.J., SERRALHA, M., HOLT, P.G., KUSEL, M.M.H., HART P.H.  (2012). Maternal serum vitamin D levels during pregnancy and offspring neurocognitive development. Pediatrics, 129, 485-493.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O, MATTES, E., MAYBERY, M.T., DISSANAYAKE, C., SAWYER, M., JONES, R.M, PENNELL, C.E., KEELAN, J.A., HICKEY, M. (2012). Perinatal testosterone exposure and autistic-like traits in the general population: A longitudinal pregnancy-cohort study. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 4, 25.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., MATTES, E., MAYBERY, M.T., SAWYER, M.G., JACOBY, P., KEELAN, J.A., & HICKEY, M. (2012). Sex-specific associations between umbilical cord blood testosterone levels and language delay in early childhood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 726-734.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A.J.O., ROBINSON, M., NEWNHAM, J.P., & PENNELL, C.E. (2012). Do hypertensive diseases of pregnancy disrupt neurocognitive development in offspring? Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 26, 101-108.
  • WHITEHOUSE A.J.O., ZUBRICK, S.R., BLAIR, E., NEWNHAM, J.P., & HICKEY, M. (2012). Fetal head circumference growth in children with Specific Language Impairment. Archives of Diseases in Childhood, 97, 49-51.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., & ZIATAS, K. (2005). Autism: Working smarter not harder. Acquiring Knowledge in Speech and Language Pathology, 7, 47-50.
  • WHITEHOUSE, A. J. O., & HIRD, K. (2004). Is grammatical competence a precondition for belief-desire reasoning? Evidence from typically developing children and those with Autism. Advances in Speech Language Pathology, 6, 39-51.