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TOTS Study

Learn more about the TOTS Study at CliniKids

We are conducting a research study to investigate if the Tuning in to Toddlers program helps families understand how to support and manage their child's emotion development and regulating emotions.

Who can take part?

Parents and primary caregivers of young children aged 18-48 months diagnosed with autism (or awaiting confirmation of a diagnosis), experiencing some difficulties with emotions are invited to take part, living anywhere in Australia.

What's involved?

Participation involves caregivers attending between 8 to 10 one-hour sessions with a therapist in clinic (Subiaco or Joondalup, WA) or via telehealth, completing some questionnaires about your child and family before and after the program (about 1.5 hours each), and a post-program interview (no more than an hour).

Recruitment is open. For more information on the study, please contact:

Gail Alvares - Chief Investigator
Phone: 08 6319 1139