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NDIS audit complete

Our NDIS audit was completed late February, resulting in continued registration for CliniKids as a NDIS service provider.

NDIS LogoOur NDIS audit was completed late February, resulting in continued registration for CliniKids as a NDIS service provider.

Every approved NDIS service provider must undertake this audit process every three years. The audit process assesses our compliance with the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Practice Standards, and looks at things like our policies and procedures, records and data management systems, and the quality and standards of services provided to participants.

It also reviews important business governance practices such as complaints and feedback handling, quality management systems, and gives families and staff the opportunity to provide feedback through confidential channels.

Here are some of the things the auditor shared with us as part of their report:

“The organisation was found to have strong leadership, passionate and skilled staff, and person-centred support. Innovation was seen throughout the audit.”

“Interviews with facility staff, family and guardians showed enormous loyalty, gratitude, and validation to CliniKids culture and service delivery."

Staff shared, "We are all in this together one team"; "I wouldn't work anywhere else."

Family members shared, "It's been a difficult journey, my only wish is that I accessed CliniKids sooner"; "The therapists and their magic, I will be forever grateful."

Thank you to all the families that participated in interviews with the auditor, and to all our families for your continued and ongoing support.