CliniKids invites you to attend Frangipani Family Day - a free community event for WA-based young neurodiverse children (0-8 years) and their families on Saturday, April 5.
Designed to be fun, safe and relaxing for families, the event includes:
- sensory-friendly activities
- science experiments, face painting, giant bubbles, and craft
- chillout zone
- relaxed, fenced playground
- sausage sizzle and light refreshments brought to you by our friends from the Rotary Club of Scarborough (or bring a picnic)
The event is held in loving memory of our dearly missed Family Coordinator, Kate Sorensen. Frangipanis were Kate’s favourite flower and her love of these as well as her passion for the families at CliniKids, has inspired this event.
Please note: Attendee numbers are capped so we ask that you please register for catering purposes - and so you don't miss out! RSVP by March 31.